QED Professional Preparation Services

Resumes & Cover Letters

We Look Forward To Hearing From you

Please contact us to let us know how we can help you.

You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and planning for your next career move, whether it is your first job, the next stage of your career, or your entry into an entirely new field. Once you have found those positions that are great fits to your path to success it is crucial to have the right tools in place to get to, and succeed at, the all-important interview. QED has helped scores of professionals through this process, including:

  • Resume preparation and sculpting: We make sure that your resume makes clear what you bring to the table that makes you an excellent fit for the position you want.
  • Cover letter preparation: You know that the point of the resume is to get you an interview, but fewer people than you think realize that without a cover letter that catches the attention of the recruiter that resume will never be seen. We’ll help you craft the letter you need to get your resume in the right hands!
  • Interview preparation: Mock interviews, preparation of PowerPoint presentations, and other techniques are all part of QED Professional Preparation Services resumes & cover letters' staff's personalized services.

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